Friday, April 19, 2013

Star Bucks...

Cheerio.... Been there to Star Bucks which had been so much hyped about and see the hysteria around it. Uhmm the coffee ain't that extra-ordinary acc to what has been hyped-up... its all about the "BRAND" which spelled the magic...
P.s -pics taken some weeks back :)

#StarBucks #coffeebean #bit-of-interior #frames #couches-chair :)

#me #tipsy #eyes #high #on #StarBucks #lol

#glowing #shine = inner joy haha

#smile #smile

#frames #jars&beans #flavour-syrups-bottles

#mugs #coffees #map 


The Beginning !!

Oh finally...managed to start eh !!

Well well I've been thinking to start but it really didn't take off soon. My sis  makes fun of me saying "the day u start blogging...u gotta treat me".... Anyways here I am with my first post and I'll keep on updating all about...anything that is interesting, things i love, like, awes me, mesmerizes me.... anything beautiful I capture in my lens :) You guys are welcome in my blog....

Share ur thoughts n comments...
Kisses XOXO <3...